In this blog:
Only Nasal Breathing....
that's IT.
Nasal beating pulls Nitric Oxide from your sinuses. Nitric oxide is the molecule of life whose production is lost with aging. This is proven information and can be looked-up in Nitric Oxide from your sinuses is permanently available/. (Read more).
Nasal breathing is the natural way of breathing when just in an active way, or on at rest. The mouth comes in when the activities are increased due to sporting or other strong activities. This is why we bring also the BreatBit Sport.
"Mouth breathing while sleeping is strongly discouraged. For decades, the medical community as not aware of this problem which was a cause of broader physical and mental problems.
However, recent research has highlighted the significant negative impact of mouth breathing on physical and mental problems.
This practice can contribute to a range of age-related conditions.
The NasalVent ERGO model.
The nasalVent was the first nose-dilator developed in 2006 to eliminate mouthBreathing what is done by 71% of all Adults (Read more).

The NasalVent before NasiVent, (Our highly comfortable Nose dilator or nose stent) was the first nose-dilator developed in 2009 to eliminate mouth-Breathing for a wider public. This negative habit (mouth breathing) is found in 71% of all Adults !! In that time there was only available the BreathRight nose plaster, developed by the British Big-Pharma organization GSK. The plaster for on the nose was aside from a skin-irritating adhesive, not cost-effective, and was created with the idea of "Repeat orders" (Moneymaker), and it is certanly non-friendly to the environment.
The specialty of this model is that the tubes are free-floating in the nostrils, using small postures as holdfast located in the tip of the nose. It keeps the model of the nostril open without pressure. Also the dilator is adjustable to the personal depth. Additionally, at the bridge of the NasalVent there is a direction correction for the right airflow.
It comes in 4 different sizes for always personal fit. Unfortunately, Our design was stolen and many times sold in a low quality. (low-quality harder plastics).
The sleep, in the US, tries to give u some explanation on why we do sleep often with the mouth open. There are indeed many causes but the most important was forgotten. One of the most drastic causes is the Nasal cycle. On this issue we will add an extra explanation. (Read more)

100% relief from low back pain (HOW)?
Studies show that even low back pain will dissapare in day's when we use the correct breathing technique. Link: Click HERE:
This amazing example of unheard (hidden) result is because our large diaphragm muscle strength and improves by every CORRECT breath we take. Remember: We breathe no less than 7000 times in 8 hours of sleep !
Statistics: Around 44 percent of those with low back pain reported having such pain for five years or longer and many report a diminished quality of life due to their back-pain. Many, (70%>) are Mouth-breathers at night.

Our diaphragm is a large, dome-shaped muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen and has a surface area of about 900 cm2 in adults. It's located below the lungs and heart, and is attached to the sternum, rib cage, and spine. This has a high impact on our spine, one of the reasons why people who use CPAP, do not use their diaphragm muscles anymore, which causes "Low Back pain" Natural Nasal Breathing with ETP products reverses this in days/weeks. This ETP Breathing COMBO also reveres S fast. (Sleep Natural, without a CPAP again). (Patent Pending).