Frequently asked Questions.

1- The Breath-Bit is new, how was testing done on the function and comfort?

The Breath-Bit was developed by Anton F.M. Bende (ME), an award-winning Medical ergonomist, and the developer of the first Ergonomic comfortable "in-nose" Nasal Dilator, used already by millions of people worldwide. The Breath-Bit Combo was tested by a group 18 male and 14 female existing clients, who already using the NasiVent*, with a 100% acceptance of function and Comfort. The NasiVent is adviced by over the 600 ENT doctors in Germany. ( )

2- What is the material? Is it safe to use? And why is it durable for years?

The Breath-Bit Combo is made from FDA-approved BPA-free silicone. Silicone is a latex-free rubber, and has high-quality flexibility, and is very strong. Some silicone is used in machines that require a high level of safety and need to run for 20+ years.
The structure of the material is very smooth and is very plesant in the mouth and nostrils.

3- The Breath-Bit "Combo" what is the function of the Nasivent?

The Breath-Bit
Combo comes with the NasiVent nose dilator, special to avoid a blocked upper airway which is the main cause of snoring and mouth breathing.
A blocked airway due to among others, the Nasal Cycle is common as well.
We all have the Nasal Cycle which is especially expressed when we lie down.

4- What exactly is the Nasal cycle?

The Nasal Cycle is a very common cause because we almost all have this Natural Nasal Cycle which is especially expressed when we lie down. The nasal cycle is the natural process of one nasal cavity becoming congested while the other decongests, and then alternating back and forth.

How it works

  • The nasal cycle is caused by the dilation and constriction of the venous cavernous tissue in the turbinates, septum, and ethmoid sinuses.

  • The cycle is a subconscious process that manages airflow.

  • Around 70–80% of adults experience a regular nasal cycle.

  • However, only 21–39% of the population experience a true cycle with reciprocal congestion and decongestion.

  • Because most upper airways are never symmetric, in some positions we are forced to breathe by the mouth while laying at the back. To come back to sideling sleep while sleeping, is most of the time not possible anymore. THE MOUTH -BREATHING HABIT IS BORN.

6- Do you have a disclaimer in your website for the breathBit Combo ?

YES, we do have a disclaimer in our website to make sure we can help the people with our products who need them. For to help we need to be between the ears of our clients. Without a proper disclaimer, the chance is there that our website will be refused by certain platforms.

Here is our disclaimer: "This product is not a medical device and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult a physician for medical advice."

Instead of that:    "Supports better breathing during sleep."
                               "May help promote healthy sleep."
                              "Promotes safe nasal breathing, which may contribute, 
                                to a more restful sleep."

5- Is the Breathbit Combo BPA-free?

YES, silicone does not contain bisphenol A (BPA). BPA is a chemical that is used in some plastics and resins, but it is not used in silicone. Also the BreathBit Combo is 100% latex free.

6- Even Sinus infections can be treated with the use of the BreathBit Combo?

Yes. when using The Breath-Bit the existing sinuses will receive, by every breath taken, 7000 times a night, extra air passing. (Ventilation containing Nitric Oxide). Due to this ventilation, the existing germs who causes infections will disappear due to the oxygen+ NO what will be in contact with sinuses. This statement is substantiated, by different scientific studies, and can be found using the "Pubmed" website. (look up).